Baptism is the connection that solidifies quantum entanglement. What does this actually mean? Are there different states of entanglement? What is the bigger picture behind Jesus telling his disciples to go throughout the world baptizing people? Does baptism change people and their connections to others? Do you need to be baptized again? Or even once? What does baptism do?
Different Kinds of Entanglement
First, let’s look at the general entanglement of all things. Imagine a child blowing a large soap bubble and as it leaves the wand it slowly hangs in the air, iridescent and beautiful. Now the child takes his wand and passes it through the bubble one more time, blowing again, and a myriad of little bubbles stream forward, each iridescent and beautiful, each made from the same original material, yet each floating off into the air individually and separate from the large bubble they started from. You have just envisioned how God made free will and the universe’s first creations. You have also just seen how everything created is linked to each other through God. This is general entanglement. Everything created is already connected to everything else.
In the beginning, all was of God; there was not a place that Divine Love was not. He was complete and whole within himself, lacking nothing. But similar to a loving couple who decides to have children to share their love, God chose to create. In order to do this he had to make a bubble separate from himself so the thoughts and actions would not be governed by him. God did not want clones, nor robots simply acting out a program, but individual opportunities for love to grow, to expand, to express itself and find and experience the best way to share more love, and to create more ways of expressing good and greater good throughout all his creation. This bubble was free will.
There is No Place that God is Not
This is why we are never separate from God, we are a spark off of his flame, spirit from Spirit, and even though he has a place where his core persona dwells in the heavens, we on earth are spiritually connected to him. Also, humanity was created from the physical elements of the earth and stars, and this gives us a secondary general entanglement, different connection to the elements of everything else physically created - the rocks, trees, animals, ocean - everything, everywhere, we are all connected to. So both original spiritual and physical connections are a general entanglement.
Throughout the centuries many people have sought to fill the God-Spot (we feel empty when we follow our own will instead of God's Will) and tried to fill it by focusing on only one of those connections over the other. In doing so they would go out of balance, and end up worshipping the creation (the sun, animals, other humans) instead of the Creator, or scorn the physical needs of being human and not survive to worship God for very long. Neither of these states further our progress in becoming one spirit in harmony as a Spirit of God, born as a child of man.
Disentanglement and Feeling Separate from God
God is a pure state. By following our own will instead of God’s will in any particular choice, we actually disengage the entanglement for a period of time. That is what happens when we choose our will over God's Will. It is an impure state, a state of sin or "missing the mark of perfection." It means that our little bubble is disentangled and flying off into the darkness away from God - it is a feeling of being empty, alone, depressed and separate from God. And if we were only in a general state of entanglement to begin with, this is a very difficult place to be. Besides our own poor choices, people have often been temporarily gifted / falsely rewarded by the unHoly Angels when they have chosen a path away from God to do wrong, these poor choices keep us in a disentangled space away from God.
The Solidified Quantum Entanglement of the Holy Spirit
However, when we repent, we turn around from doing our own thing and circle our little bubble back from the darkness and around to the Big Bright Bubble of God and enjoy the connection and spiritual joy of general entanglement again. We were created this way, to step in unison with our Creator, navigating the path of Love. Now, when we choose to follow God even closer by acknowledging the life, death, and life again of Christ and how that changed our ability to reconnect with God (we lost our entanglement at the Garden of Eden), we are able to be in a state of solidified quantum entanglement with God and Christ. We move from a state of general entanglement to solidified quantum entanglement by being baptized.
The Holy Spirit is the energy of the linear entanglement connection - similar to you being a ship on the ocean, God being a tall lighthouse, and the Holy Spirit being the beam of light sent by the lighthouse to guide your way. The Holy Spirit was poured out upon humans after the sacrifice of Jesus. This is why it was so important for Jesus to tell his disciples: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt. 28:18-20) And Peter says, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38) To understand more about what the sacrifice of Jesus opened up to humanity, please see the video "Why Jesus Life is Important Beyond Religion" at Spiritual Videos |
How Our Quantum Entanglement Affects God
Did you know that our various states of quantum entanglement affects God? Especially when we have solidified our connection by being baptized. God gifts us more opportunities and protection when we are baptized; but this is not the end of it, we can become even more in unity with him through taking on the mantle of Ordination (male or female) through the line of Apostolic Succession that Jesus started.
This Oneness and unity is so great that miracles of all kinds regularly flow from this Holy connection. Ordination is vital because it gives the additional protection and supernatural gifts you need for whatever greater work he leads you to do, especially since the greater gifts attracts the unHoly Angels to try to stop it. But with this greatest of all connections, there is especially no need to be fearful - for your hands have now become His Hands, your words His Words, and you can be in the forefront of God's War alongside his Holy Angels, Jesus and with the Holy Spirit helping more people to live through Armageddon.
Jesus says in John 14:15-17 “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." The Spirit of truth is the Holy Spirit, which becomes part of you, it changes your connection with God, and just as you are in a solidified entanglement with Him, He is also in the same connection with you! According to Wikipedia: "An entangled system is defined to be one whose quantum state cannot be factored as a product of states of its local constituents; that is to say, they are not individual particles but are an inseparable whole. In entanglement, one constituent cannot be fully described without considering the other(s)." Neither can be described independently of the others, even if separated by a large distance. This means that when you are in pain, God feels it. When you are joyful and invite him into your day, he is happy and already beside you. When you help another one of his creations, he smiles and you feel happy. When you pray, the prayer is bright and immediately heard and the Holy Angels activated by the Holy Spirit to help the situation. The mental, emotional, physical and emotional states of who you are will be changed by your deep connection, your closely entwined dance with God himself and all his creation. All throughout the scriptures we see how our actions affect God and his son Jesus through their interactions with us through general entanglement, and solidified entanglement. What a blessed connection to have, it is truly a place where nothing is impossible!
Some Basic Questions about Baptism
Now let's go over some of the questions about baptism itself. If you were baptized as an infant, do you need to get baptized again as an adult? If you are baptized in one religion and then change to another one, do you need to get re-baptized? Does it matter what religion you get baptized in? What if you left God and now want to come back to him, do you have to get re-baptized? Also, does it matter if you are baptized with a sprinkling of water or immersed? And is it OK if a person wants to get baptized more than once?
Baptism has never been about our destination after death, it is about our connection with God while we are alive. As we have seen, baptism is a free will desire to accept, trust and follow God’s will for your life instead of your own, and showing that by following the example of Jesus, and being immersed into his death and resurrection. Free will is a very big deal to God, because he will not force anyone to take his advice, guidance, protection or to love him. Even when our decisions may lead to injury, he will not interfere but will continue to present opportunities for better choices.
The rite of marriage is the closest example we have to the baptismal union with Divine Love. In most places around the world marriage is taken seriously, and this step is recognized as building the strength of the relationship. There is an acceptance that the choices a person now makes in their life will affect both of them, that two people have now become one in unity. Often there is a custom of gifting or exchanging something between those promising their lives to one another. The ceremony itself may be inside or outside a building and is usually held in front of other people who acknowledge the new relationship and wish the couple well. Unless those making this important commitment are already of age and thus under their own headship, consent must be given by the parent(s) or by law the marriage would be void, since they would still be under the headship or authority of the parents. Many of the same principles of marriage apply to baptism.
God Gives Peace & Protection with Baptism
And just like building a relationship with a good marriage mate, the more time you choose to spend together, the more you communicate and know how each other think, so that your loved one’s likes and dislikes are still in your head even when you may not be actively talking with them. So it is with God, baptism helps you to know each other better at the heart level, since you have given your consent for this level of quantum entanglement. This is one of the exchanges that God gives through baptism; it is his gift or ring of unity, having the peace of God that excels all thought (Philippians 4:7). With that peace, your heart and mind are guarded, and no matter what may occur around you, your spirit will still migrate back to that inner calm. There is a deep knowing that transcends all understanding, a confidence that you are never alone, you are loved, forgiven and accepted, and that without a doubt God will never, ever, be separate from you.
Infant Baptism?
In our example of human marriage, we see that unless those making this commitment are already of age and thus under their own headship, consent must be given by the parent(s) or by law the marriage would be void, since they would still be under the headship or authority of the parents. Keep this in mind as we discuss some deeper aspects of baptism. When a child is underage (and that may differ from place to place by the laws of the land) that child is under the authority of the parents. This is a protection in many ways for the child and places the parents in a place of lawful responsibility to provide at least the basics of food, clothing and shelter. But most parents desire to provide more than just the basics for their children, and want to love, guide, teach, play with and protect them as well. Hopefully this includes the ceremony of baptism (a sprinkling of Holy water) which brings the child many additional safeguards that entanglement with our perfect heavenly Father can give. But the child is unaware and has no ability on his own to ask, receive or fulfill many of the additional aspects that baptism brings. The ripple effect of baptism is similar to a parent choosing to protect their child in a bullet-proof covered cradle during a military or gang confrontation – it is the most loving thing to do, and above all else, God is love (1 John 4:8). A baby is not asking God to step up for greater responsibility, or to turn away from his previously sinful path. He is not aware, and does not have to be; for his parents have the headship over him, and the child falls under their authority, and God recognizes the parental right and grants the baptism and blessings.
So, does a person have to be baptized again when they are an adult? It depends on their free will choice to stay entangled with God. Their original baptism will stand unless they make it clear they wish to disentangle. Does an underage couple with parental blessing have to be married again when they are of legal age, does their marriage dissolve somehow unless they have the ceremony again? No, they do not have to get remarried. But they can also choose to divorce and remarry again or stay together and repeat their vows as often as they wish. The same with baptism. God acknowledges the agreement of the child-turned-adult to receive further opportunities for greater responsibilities and blessings, and there is no limit to the amount of times a person can choose to get re-baptized, showing again the desire to do God's Will over their own. Especially if you are stepping into a new ministry or endeavor, re-showing your desire of connection is always nice. So, when a child is baptized as a baby, they are basically betrothed to God and come under his additional special care. However, when the child is of legal age, they can choose to break the betrothal (baptism) by their own voiced expression of this to the one they are betrothed to, God. This means that even if a formal baptism, contract or officiating of a religious authority had occurred in their childhood, the adult may refuse to continue the deeper relationship with God, and the additional connection and blessings that came with the baptism will be removed.
Christ reflected and taught about God’s attributes while he was here on earth and emphasized the specialness of the younger ones: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16) Also, each one of us comes into life with an Angel that is our individual guardian, and fights for us. If we didn’t, every single one of us would have been killed by the fallen unHoly Angels in our infancy. We have many provisions in place because each of us is a child of God, a spark off his Divine flame; but when we get baptized, the provisions increase.
Does God Take Back His Gifts If You Go Your Own Way?
Remember God desires you to be close because of love, nothing more. And even in the time of you taking your hand out of his, he will never withdraw his – he will always be reaching out for you, hopeful that you will return, and ready to reinstate your baptism. Even in this time of his sadness, his generosity continues, for God will not take back any additional special gifts he gave you, for he gave those freely and will not ask for them to be returned. But you will not be guided by God’s will anymore, since that is what you have asked for, you want to do your own thing, and will face the cause and effect of that without any head’s up about what is good for you or not. But, since you were in a companionship in using the gifts, the additional connection to fully utilize them and the Divine protection that would normally be in place to use them would be absent. For example, if you were given the gift of healing, you would still be able to heal, but the power source was rejected, so you would be using your own energy, which means you would not see any big miracles, but you could start experiencing emotional and physical distress from depleting your own reserves. Or if you had the gift to hear the other side, your channel of hearing and recognizing what is of God and his Holy Angels and what is of manipulation and unHoly Angels may be much more difficult to discern. The additional layer of protection upon our bubble of free will that comes from baptism is now gone.
Please note that leaving a religion is not the same as leaving your baptism with God. The relationship God desires to make with each person is beyond that. No matter what your religion, faith, culture or background, if you recognize the core of God as the personification of Love, you will be able to hold all things up to that, and you will know what is of God or not. If it is not of Love, it is not of God, and it is Not for you! Religion is often used as a fence, whereas God prefers the freedom of open pastures. Houses of prayer and fellowship are wonderful – when they are focused on Love. God does not want us to follow one another; he desires each one of us to be the mystic, to be able to hear Love in our own hearts, to follow him. So be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater – do not throw God out because you are disappointed in those who say they represent him. Your God-Spot of spiritual peace of mind, fulfillment and joy of purpose is bigger than that. And if you join another house of prayer and fellowship, you do not need to get re-baptized, but you can if you want. Similar to a married couple wishing to retake their wedding vows, only one time is really needed, but taking the additional step to reconfirm the commitment shows the continuing desire to express and expand the love.
How to Baptize and Be Baptized
It is by grace that God has allowed the sprinkling of Holy water for baptism (and continues to allow it), when full immersion is the example we were given by Christ himself, and the method that he taught all his followers to use. Such is God’s grace about baptism (Matthew 25: 14-30). If you desire to get baptized, it can be done simply. It will require three things: one who is ordained (but in instances when there is no priest to perform the ceremony, a fellow believer, or even just the person can baptize themselves), the one who is to be baptized and a body of water (if possible, but sprinkling is still ok). Just like a wedding, it can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. The vital step in the process is the acknowledgement of the one who wishes to be baptized! What baptism means should be known, and is to be entered into with humility, respect and joy, just like a marriage union. As for those witnessing the baptism, it can be as few as the one who is ordaining and/or the one who is receiving. The Holy Spirit is there. God is seeing you. And all the Holy Angels and spiritual others invited.
The water is to be placed upon the individual desiring baptism: sprinkled, poured or by immersion and the words added “I now baptize you in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit” and the sign of the Cross + made over the person or on their forehead. Some people choose to do this three times, once for "The Father (sign of the cross, dip underwater or sprinkle), the Son (sign of the cross, dip underwater or sprinkle, the Holy Spirit" (sign of the cross, dip underwater or sprinkle). The baptism, that solidified quantum entanglement of connection, is now complete. God’s love is simple, and his ways are straightforward and simple (1 Peter 3:21).
The Deeper Connection that Comes with Baptism
We know in our hearts what a good marriage should be, and that the wedding day is an important chapter in the expanding book of a happy life. Baptism is also the beginning of the deeper relationship you desire with God, and with more time and experiences shared together, the more profound and lovely the relationship will grow. Experience the expansion of yourself and the peace of God that excels all thought. Feel him throughout your life and let that light empower you as go, perhaps even becoming ordained and seeing miracles happen through your own hands becoming His Hands! Remember, filling your God-Spot and expanding and sharing Love is what your little bubble was made for. There is a deep knowing that comes with baptism, a space of solidified quantum entanglement, which transcends all understanding, a confidence that you are never alone, you are loved, forgiven and accepted, and that without a doubt God will never, ever, be separate from you. END 2023(C)Tiffany Snow
About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |