The Easter celebration of Jesus life, death, and life again is a time when many witness the wounds of Christ afresh. Some may even think about the promises fulfilled and those yet to come and wonder if God has a future and a plan for each of us. Easter is a wonderful reminder of the bigger spiritual teachings of sacrifice and redemption and prompt our spirit to want to know more and become closer to God. What does God have in plan for you? In your spirit you know what they are, and what also brings you the most joy, because He has placed Forever in your hearts! A paradise earth? Living forever? Creative work? Happy family life? God is good like that, all these things and more are in His heart for you too, because He placed them there!
Stigmata Always Has a Purpose
The Holy Stigmata is easily viewed upon most statues of Christ, the five wounds apparent during the moment of sinless Jesus lifting up his life to God for sinful mankind, breaking the curse upon humanity fulfilling the perfect law given to Moses - a life for a life. Now all of us can freely come before God’s heavenly throne in prayer now, and in physical spirit when we die. We are not regulated by the darkness previously upon us. The pictures, paintings and statues of Christ at that time of sacrifice is a testimony to God’s glory, His promises fulfilled, and Christ’s example of obedience. And it manifests in chosen human bodies for the same purposes.
The Holy Stigmata is always given for a reason and with some sort of supernatural gift to prove it’s from God. Even though many Stigmatics have been Catholic, many others in the past and presently are not, because God is not interested in religion. One of the first questions I asked Him was “what religion is the right religion.” His answer: “All those who love me.” Clearly, people make fences, while God prefers the open pastures! So, we should not be surprised when the Holy Stigmata appears in unexpected places, He gives it to whoever He wishes, whenever He wishes - He calls all of His kids to come climb upon His lap, so we can be held even closer. And He is a great hugger!
Stigmata Cannot Be Earned
Those who receive the Holy Stigmata are not perfect. It’s a free and sacred manifestation which always has some miraculous gift associated with it, to prove that it is from God and not man. The Holy Stigmata is never earned - it could never be earned, it’s not about how good someone is, it’s about how good He is! As we see in 1 Cor. 1:26-31, He chooses the foolish things of the world, the things that are not, and He makes them so they are, for the glorification of the name of Jesus.
I was not Catholic when I first received the Holy Stigmata, (with all 5 wounds alternating for several years) but later God requested that I get baptized as a Catholic (I had been baptized into three different religions through my childhood and youth). He asked me to call a priest, the same priest that He had requested when I first received the Holy Stigmata, a priest who was not Roman Catholic anymore but had married and become ordained in the Old Holy Catholic Church. When I asked God why I needed to get baptized again, He showed me a room full of small brightly lit candles and those of different intensities, representing many faiths. And there was one the size of a large broomstick in the middle, but it was barely glowing, and that was the Catholic Church. And that’s where He wanted me, an additional spark where it’s needed. I’m His, He can do with me what He wants. He gives opportunities of all sorts all the time. He’s good like that. So that's how I came to be baptized into the Catholic Church.
The Holy Stigmata has been and continues to be quite an adventure for me, and although the physical opening of the wounds of the Holy Stigmata ended some years back (He said I would die if I experienced it again) He continues to bless me with constant communication, and many miraculous healings for people all over the world. But the main reason I received the Holy Stigmata was to be bright enough to bring through The Divine Decrees, a group of prayers that are already blessed by God, sort of like “laser” prayers, that are immediately answered and help the whole world. And later He added the gift of prophecy, to share the information to help more people live through the waves of world shift upon us, often called the time of Armageddon, as we near the Kingdom of God upon earth.
God Hugs Each of Us Uniquely
It makes me smile when others around the world who have the Holy Stigmata reach out to me. Together we marvel at such an amazing God who loves us so much and desires His children to interact with Him on such a tender level, and how each of us has been gifted different things. And the numbers are increasing every day! But please know this, none of us need the Holy Stigmata to be loved by God, or to activate the many gifts that He freely gives us, including all sorts of miracles! We all have gifts and talents, and the good that we are the most passionate about He wishes to bless as well, changing all things for good. And just like any relationship, the more you learn about Him the closer you become, and the more you will fall in love. We were each created with a “God-Spot” within us that only His Holy Spirit can fill. As we do, we find a steady, abundant and awesome joy within, no matter what is going on in the world outside of us. Nothing can compare, and words can’t describe it.
For nearly 20 years now my husband and I have been sharing in every way we can the information that has been shared with us, which is volumes. God has a lot to say! Books, classes, videos, articles, social media, etc. We are not supported by a church, we are grassroots; and there is an ever-growing group of us meeting together online and encouraging one other from all different faiths. We are also all baptized, ordained in the line of Apostolic succession, and consistently add the Divine Decrees to our prayers. It is such a blessing that God is recruiting miracle workers, He really wants each on of us to be a Mystic, and for our words to be His Words, our hands His Hands, no matter if they have wounds in them or not! After all, He already created a God-spot within us to be filled with only Him. This Easter, indeed, every day - why not spend some one-on-one time crawling up on His lap, and letting yourself be hugged? He would love that! END 2023 (C) Tiffany Snow
About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |