Has life been more difficult since you brought back that painting from the garage sale? Is your family bickering more since you inherited your aunt’s silverware? Are you having problems sleeping since placing that antique dresser in your bedroom? Is it harder to concentrate at your desk since bringing that souvenir from the Far East to your office? If you find yourself having unexplained moodiness, depression, inability to concentrate, anger or are having unusual thoughts come into your head that are not your own, you may have acquired something that is triggering it.
Can objects really influence how a person feels or acts? Yes, and it happens dozens of times a day in your right life now. What does this mean? It means we need to be careful about what we imply to an object, and what is actually emanating out from it. For example, when you open a photo album and see a picture of your previous husband, you may feel betrayal or loss. That’s your own feelings and memories stimulated by the trigger of looking at the photo – there is nothing actually coming from the picture trying to influence you to think that way. However, you are now adding your own energy and emotion to the photo for future times, when that emotion is repeated. Yes, without even knowing it we influence objects around us every day, with positive or negative overlays. It's a totally different feeling when you look at a photo of your new grandbaby! So, discernment is needed to differentiate between an outside influence on an object, and what is simply your own emotion about it. Just with these few examples, you can see that your happiness can be greatly influenced by your surroundings.
Natural Energy Dustings
There are two different kinds of influences on objects – energy dustings and persuaded influences. Energy dustings are on everything, and we contribute to them every moment of our lives. We can choose to make these participations joyful, happy and peaceful, thus raising the light and love we feel around us. This is truly the meaning of making a house a home, and our neighborhood a beloved community. Or we can carry a storm cloud over our head and dust everything around us with that. Remember these dustings not only affect places, but people, plants and animals too. Have you ever walked into a room where an argument has just occurred? The tension in the air may feel so thick you could cut it with a knife; you may also get a headache or feel anxious. How strong a person may feel these dustings depends on their own sensitivities. Some people may have to stop and really focus to decipher what they are feeling, while others and small children are naturally built for receiving input, and whether it feels good or bad.
Especially with our children it is beneficial to make sure their surroundings are as peaceful as possible. For example, it will definitely make a difference to mood and personality if your baby is trying to sleep in a previously owned crib used by a child who was constantly screaming because of health problems or feeling the marital problems of his parents. Whenever possible, for yourself and your children, know the history behind an object before you bring it home. And remember that bringing items into your house in its natural state from the environment carries the energy dusting of the One who created it, which will always be wonderful. This means decorating your home with pinecones, natural plants, interesting stones or driftwood, using creek water over a rock fountain, playing recorded nature sounds from birds, etc. All these created and unadulterated items are Divinely made and will greatly raise the positive energy in a room. Be imaginative and invent a few things of your own – perhaps under your desk place a tray of sea sand for your toes to dig in while you work or use shells as soap dishes. There is no end to the possibilities!
The history and energy dusting behind an item may be wonderful – and that is an object to appreciate, enjoy and maybe even pass along to loved ones. Perhaps it is a piece of grandmother’s jewelry that was a beloved token of appreciation given at her 70th birthday party, which made her smile with pride and happiness each time she put it on. Or a hand-carved game board that has seen excitement and family interaction for 40 years. Not all old things are bad, and not all new things are good. What? Can a person actually buy a new thing that carries problems? Oh yes, both old and new objects can have negative or positive impacts willfully attached to them to influence any households they end up in.
Persuaded Influences
A persuaded influence is placed on an object on purpose, by someone for a specific intention and outcome. It is not an energy dusting that occurs just because it is in proximity, it is much different. When an object is utilized as a trigger, it can be for good or for bad.
For example, in the scriptures we often see blessed objects that God allowed to be used for touchstones for healing and exorcisms. “God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.” (Acts 19:11,12) These objects received a blessing because the person who carried them was blessed, and the anointing carried through to objects to help people through the persuaded influence of God himself.
Today there are many things that carry God’s blessing with a permanent anointing on them, no matter when they brought into existence, even when they are made with imperfections through the simple hands of humankind. Some of these are crosses, crucifixes, and carvings, or even simple beautiful and lovingly made gifts and crafts. Other objects may carry a blessing on them because a person of faith asks God to place one there, through answered prayer. Also, a person may be blessed, such as when they choose to step up for priestly ordination. Ordination carries many benefits, and also a special anointing by God that allows greater blessings to be done for specific outcomes, such as creating anointing oil, Holy water, blessed wine and communion. But there's more!
What to Do - Are You Called to this Work?
There is a big need for people who can help discern what is Holy from what is not, and to go beyond themselves to bless items, and to remove curses on other items or destroy them. This kind of Holy work often overlaps with the House Blessing work, and the discernment and removal of ghosts, manipulated ghosts, and unHoly Angels (demons). This greater work needs the additional blessings, prayers and protections of Ordination.
Jesus ordained his apostles for the greater work and then sent them out to pass it on, which it has been for thousands of years now. This means there is a direct apostolic succession of Christ's hands-on blessing that people can be ordained into today. Check to see if your church goes back to this lineage, if not, contact us and we will help you. It is our job to bring people closer to God and their greater work for him, and ordination is part of that for both men and women. You don't have to be perfect; no one is - God blesses the office not the imperfections of the one carrying it out. With ordination we acquire more angelic heavy hitters to help us, and our ability to hear and be heard increases. This is necessary for most deliverances, all exorcisms, most hauntings, and many specific blessings such as land and air blessings and making sacred ground.
Also, many times a person may have more darkness against them than they are aware of, or their faith is not strong enough on their own; and they need an ordained person to help to break generational bondage, curses, hexes, spells, incantations, negative prayers or evil intent sent against them. So being ordained covers more than helping with objects that are cursed or can be blessed. Ask yourself if this feels right for you! As in Jesus's time and now, the harvest is great but the workers are few. Come work with us!
Entire Families Suffering Needlessly
Some people spend a lot of time and energy dedicating objects not for blessings, but for the opposite of that. In some cases, these people have sought out dark forces, and attach themselves to unHoly Angels through demonic rites and rituals. More have dedicated themselves and selected objects through customs and traditions where they unknowingly apply for connection to these fallen angels, and for generation after generation the negative cycle may continue to influence a family, a company, a village or even an entire region. Beyond the local area, a person anywhere around the world may be manipulated since the internet allows us to purchase anything from anywhere and bring it straight into our homes or gift it to others, without even a hint of what we are really giving.
Cursed objects may be large, beautiful and expensive so that a person may be more inclined to keep them, and thereby, because of the cost, to make excuses for any problems associated with them. Or they may be small and easy to carry and even considered a keepsake or “good luck” charm, or a common souvenir of the area. They may be family heirlooms passed from generation to generation, especially prized in places of poverty. Individual craftsmen or family companies may have performed an opening ceremony or offered a dedication upon every item created through the companies, and whether knowingly or unknowingly did it in such a way to offer the unHoly Angels free reign and connection over thousands of objects.
Although it only takes once for an object to be cursed or willfully dedicated for the use of the unHoly Angels, the manipulation, heartache, illness and destruction from these unHoly objects can continue on for centuries, with future owners not knowing any prior history of the item at all, and meanwhile suffering from all of the effects.
Willful Manipulation for Finacial Benefits
It is not just third world countries or certain cultures that seek to benefit themselves by negatively influencing the products they make. Some objects are willfully manipulated by people in companies who are more interested in the bottom line than anything else. And while some do seek out unHoly ways to influence their product line, most are negative energy dustings designed to make an unhealthy or unnecessary product desirable to buy, and then to break shortly after purchase or the warranty has expired so that another item must be bought to replace it. While not as detrimental as persuaded influence, these energy dustings lower the happiness in a home and can cost thousands of dollars in replacement and repair bills.
If energy dustings happen from the strong emotions that people feel, how many things in our home have a dusting? Simply everything. If you are eating carrots, how many hands has that gone through? Let’s say the people in control of the carrot company have good motives, choose to grow organically, and try to have a good relationship with the land and all its employees. But what about the receptionist who just lost her father, or the worker in the field who is suicidal, or the truck driver who is exhausted and angry, or the grocer who is frustrated, or the hundreds of people that pass though the vegetable aisle? All these are adding their dusting to the carrots that you are going to eat and feed to your family. What to do?
Here is another way to think of it – let’s say the carrots on their own are like a glass of clear water, with nothing added to it, neither sweet nor sour. Because of the original beneficial desires of the company, sweetness is added to the water, a full tablespoon of natural sugar and nutrients are stirred in. But because of several negative emotions along the way, several drops of vinegar have also been added, and now what is served at your table is not as intended. And if the vinegar content is high enough, it could even make your body and spirit upset. We started our example with a good company. But they could have done better too – an ordained person could have been asked to come out and do a land blessing over the company and the fields. This would produce positive energy dustings and ask for God’s guidance and blessing on the produce. This in effect adds a perfect amount of "sweetness" to the water, and more importantly dissipates and nullifies any interferences of "vinegar" added along the way. Good is more powerful than evil. Light is stronger than darkness. Love wins.
A Light in the Darkness
And this is the key to removing any negative energy dusting to anything we own – saying a prayer and blessing it. What happens when we enter a totally dark room and strike a match? Although the darkness is in volume thousands of times greater than the light, the darkness cannot put out the candle. And the more light we add, the more shadows flee from the light, because light and dark cannot be in the same place at the same time. All of us are sparks off the Divine flame – anyone can pray and choose to be a bright candle in the dark places. And the more we have chosen love over fear in our own lives and have invited God in to illuminate our way, the brighter our faith and prayers are. Then we become much more than a candle - we become a brilliant chandelier reflecting light into every nook and crevice until darkness cannot survive anywhere. And our own spirit will sparkle in joy!
Prayer changes things. When we pray a blessing over our food, water, medications, etc., it
changes its qualities and negative energy dustings on it dissipates and disappears (the darker persuaded influences, as discussed, you should be ordained/protected for). Prayer is a gift that God gives to persuade a positive and Divine influence, and our energy expands beyond anything we could do on our own. In this way, our brilliant chandelier now reflects the rays of the magnificent Son. Ask a blessing over your medications, over any objects that you purchase or are given, over your car, over your animals, over people, over places and things you pass by – be a mobile instrument of transformation, a walking instrument of prayer. Funny thing about giving love, you receive it back even more so – including feeling more peace, contentment, confidence and joy! Let your light shine!
How does a person say a prayer for a blessing? Although there are specific prayers available for many things, most of the time those are only needed by priests when the deeper work is called for. What is in your heart? This is what God desires to hear; words that come from your soul, in your empathy, from your compassion, in your longing for things to be good, for light to expand, for love to win the war. And because of your free will desire to interact with God for the transformation to take place, you become an instrument in his hand for change. Even many negative persuaded influences (curses) can be broken this way by an un-ordained person of faith. If the prayer is done with respect for Jesus, no matter what religion you are your prayer has much more authority and power open to it (see the article “Why Jesus’ Life is Important Beyond Religion”).
Breaking Generational Bondage and Ancestral Curses
At times it may be difficult to discern between a generational bondage passed down through family lines and effects from items that are owned which are cursed. Generational bondage is a problem that comes down through family lines and can be of any nature, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It is often attributed to genetics or family history and is an attachment on the family members themselves and not on what they own. This can start by a distant family member involved in the black arts, or a curse placed upon them by someone who was. It can be recognized by a repetition of different things, for example, generation after generation businesses fail; or every man in the family having a stroke before turning 50; or unknown depression passed from grandmother to mother to daughter, etc.
A person of faith can say the prayer themselves for breaking generational bondage, although a priest is needed for this if faith is wavering. It is a important and powerful prayer, and only needs to be said once. Here it is: Prayer for Breaking Generational Bondage: "Heavenly Father, we ask that any generational bondage here in this family line of all that is known (...state know issues...) and all that is unknown, be broken through the power of the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ and we ask for an infilling of healing here. Thank you Lord, in Jesus' name, Amen." Remember this can be used not only for physical issues buy repeated negative patterns in the family, emotional trauma, mental struggles and spiritual problems as well.
The Divine Decrees
The Divine Decrees are powerful and already-blessed prayers given through the Holy Stigmata. All the things that a heart of love would want for a loving and perfect world is what God wants for it too. They are made of perfect words to help all of us align with God's guidance and protection. They were given to us just for this time of world shift as things get more stressful. Many of these prayers are specific for different blessings, and powerful transformations have been documented from reading them. They are also the main reason that I received the Holy Stigmata, to be cleansed enough for them to be brought through to humanity. When we say these prayers God sends out the Holy Angels to do numerous wonderful things world-wide, and we get to be part of that just by adding our free will "Amen." A gift from God indeed!
When Something Needs to Be Destroyed
If the prayers have been said over a cursed object and a feeling of uncleanness or confusion still permeates the item, then total destruction of the object must occur. Remember that the unHoly Angels are smart and can choose to lie dormant with an object for a long time or turn off and on the problems emanating from it. It cannot be simply given away or thrown away. If it is of metal or other difficult material difficult to destroy, it still has to be made unusable by anyone. If it is of wood or other malleable material, cut it up or burn it in a safe place. Then, no matter what it is, bury it in the ground. If you have access to Holy water, or can get it from a church, making the sign of the cross upon the ground after burial is a good idea. Blessed salt can be used for the same thing.
Do not allow yourself to be doubtful, fearful or to put off destruction of the object after the item is recognized for what it is. Some are even used as objects for portals or doorways, and your troubles may multiply since the unHoly Angels now know they have been exposed and have limited time to cause harm. Sometimes odd things happen when destroying such an object, because the demons do not want to have their object harmed, and will try to cause strange sounds or sights to scare the person destroying the object. If you do not feel you have strong enough faith to do what is required, giving the item to a priest or a person of great faith is the better choice. God simply wants to bless you and have your family and surroundings be a place of peace. He gifts people with different abilities to help him help one another, so do not feel that giving the object to another to destroy is overall weakness – it is strength on your part to recognize it and to put into motion the end of it. This cleansing and destroying of unHoly objects is another focus of being ordained in the lineage of Apostolic succession. Jesus wants all of us to be able to fight the demons successfully, both men and women.
In Conclusion
Today we live at a time of complete accessibility to items from all over the world. All of these objects are dusted by the high energy emotions of people they come into contact with. Some are contaminated by willful dedication to negative influences and become items that wreck havoc to the lives and wellbeing of their owners. Prayer cleanses and transforms most of these items into Godly touchstones of health, light and love. Discernment is needed to differentiate between an outside influence on an object, and what is simply a person’s own emotion about it. Discernment is also needed to identify and destroy objects that cannot be cleansed. A priest may be called upon for specific blessings that are required in some situations, while at other times a person of faith may be able to do many blessings themselves. We can choose to bless people, places and things through prayerful affection, and not pass on objects of affliction. All of us are in control of how our surroundings influence us and our family, and there are positive things we can do every day to make our house a blessed home of peace, joy and love. END 2009 (C) Tiffany Snow
About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. | www.BlessedTiffanySnow.com