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How to Do Resurrection by Prayer

Updated: Jun 22

Nothing is impossible for God. When given the opportunity to work with faith and fearlessness, God can do all kinds of miracles. He is big on free will so won’t step in unless we ask, no matter how much it pains Him when we ignore that opportunity to receive help. That is what prayer is all about, going beyond ourselves and connecting with our Heavenly Father. Prayer changes things.

I’ve been present at resurrections by prayer before, but the one yesterday reminded me of something I want to share with you. It’s not about fancy words, or something memorized. And if you think you need those things and won’t be able to do it unless you do it a certain way, you won’t be able to, because you are already limiting yourself and what God can do through you via the Holy Spirit. As a reminder, the Holy Spirit is a type of energy, a Divine Power that is part of God. It is similar to how our human body uses arms and legs for movement and to accomplish things, this is how God uses the Holy Spirit. This Holy Power what you feel flow through you when you let your hands be His Hands for His Will; including miracles of all kinds, as He sees best for each situation.

I have had the privilege of being there before to see our Heavenly Doctor resurrect animals and also humans. It always takes my breath away and reminds me of how tiny we are, while He is so mighty. He loves all of us and wants His kids to work together, so we become “tiny but mighty” because of His desire to bond with us, and with each other, through His Divine Love.

Yesterday we lost a kitten. His name was Hope and he was “Billy’s delegate.” He was born with the same pattern of black and white markings that Fr. Billy had on a special toy when he was a child (which he still fondly owns although it is hairless and worn). Hope had a reaction to the drugs used to neuter him, he was six months old. When my husband brought him home from the vet he stumbled out of the carrier, walked a few feet, laid down on the floor and fell over on his side. We were shocked. We hurried to stand over him and he was barely breathing. After a moment, his chest stop moving at all. I saw a misty bubble form over his shoulder, and then it disappeared. Our beautiful kitten had just died - it happened so quickly.

Fr. Billy and I were still standing over him, it took a moment to process what had just happened. Then my husband yelled at me, “Do something!” and I gently scooped up the lifeless kitten into my arms. There was no muscle tone at all, and I had to be careful because the heaviness of the head was trying to twist his neck as I lifted him, it had to be done in one piece, held in place, to not cause any more injury to the body. But I knew what I was going to ask. Instantly in my brain I was already asking God “shouldn’t Billy be doing this? It’s his cat.” And I heard “No.”

I walked to the couch and sat down. Billy was beside himself with worry, his energy frenetic. I told him to call the vet - like the old midwife trick of telling the husband to go boil water - to busy himself with something. Whether Billy contacted the vet or not wouldn’t make any difference, it’s not like they can do anything over the phone. Meanwhile, my heart called out to our Heavenly Father, and in that connection, knowing without doubt that I am heard, I said “please don’t let him lose this little one.” That’s all. It was that simple.

Instantly a hard zap went though my right hand and into my left, right through the body of Hope, and he shuddered and opened his eyes. He lifted his head and looked at me and started pushing against me to jump down. I was trying to hold onto him a bit longer to make sure he was ok, but he wouldn’t have it! Just as the vet’s secretary on the phone was asking if he had any muscle tone, Billy saw Hope jump from my lap, and together we both said “Never mind!” and hung up. Billy and I immediately started praising Father, relieved and thankful. Hope sat there on the floor, looked around at the other kitties (his siblings were also concerned) and us, then walked away and started bathing himself like nothing had happened. But to Fr. Billy and I, everything had happened.

We were again reminded that nothing is impossible with God. We were reminded that we are the best opportunity for miracles when we let go of frenetic energy or any emotion that would constrict our channel for the Holy Spirit to easily flow. We were reminded that the heart connection we have nurtured and expanded with our Heavenly Father is bigger than remembering wording - He knows what is needed. Build that connection!

We were also reminded that even in what could be considered small things - compared to the larger difficulties in the world - God desires for us to be happy and reach out to Him and see the differences He makes in our lives and the lives of others. For the rest of the evening I still had the (almost painful) aftermath of the zap in my hands, but it moved from the old scars of the Holy Stigmata down to the tips of my fingers. The next morning it was gone again - until the next time when I offer my hands up as His Hands - which He offers to each one of us. Please, every one of you, be an opportunity for God to do miracles upon the earth, experience His Love in person as the Holy Spirit rushes through you. It will create a healing of some kind for you too, as you offer His help and love to others.

As we share our joy with you over this little one continuing one with us - there is never a reason to NOT praise God! Truly with Him all things are possible, but it is also up to us to ask, and give opportunity. Whether for animals or humans, not all times of prayer will end with a resurrection - it is also up to the spirit to agree to come back into the body. That is also why God has suggested the healing of the body first, to make it easier for the spirit to make the choice to return or not. And as a reminder, He has also given a time frame of when this can be done, no body after three days. And remember, sometimes death is the best healing - after all, it is just the “clothes” for the spirit, which continues on with all its memories and personality, whether in a body or not. However, what a joy when our loved ones are still able to be with us a while longer! Even when our loved ones are little kittens. And in this case, literally, Hope was returned to our lives. God is good and deserving of praise. Amen! END 2023 (c) Tiffany Snow

About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |


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