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Angels and Demons – The Bigger Story

Writer's picture: Blessed Tiffany SnowBlessed Tiffany Snow

Updated: Jun 22, 2024

This is the truth behind the brotherhood of angels. Do angels really exist? If so, do they influence your life? What do they look like and is there a way to see them? These are very real questions you need to know – because if you believe in angels, it opens up a whole new world of more questions needing to be answered about God, about the different kinds of angels, and what effect they may have on your life today.

In fact, most people in the world today believe that angels exist and have an influence on people. One of the reasons for this is because they themselves or a loved one has experienced, felt, heard or seen things that cannot be explained in any other way. And indeed, that is one of the roles of the Holy Angels; supernatural guidance, protection, miracles, visions, even the soft swaying within to help us make the right choices. They have many responsibilities in their roles as workers for God. One of our responsibilities is to discern who is who – for all the angels were once of the same brotherhood, but that brotherhood is now divided into Holy and unHoly Angels.

There is also a third smaller segment of unHoly Angels called “Those Who Watch,” a group that do not agree with Satan and the demons or participate with them in evil yet are separate from God and the Holy Angels because of the choices they have made in contradiction to God’s will. And all are around us all the time, and all will be addressed in this article.

The Many Kinds of Angels - Beloved Messengers and More

The Holy Angels: these are some of the most beloved creatures the universe has ever known. All angels were originally created Holy, but were also created with free will, just as humans were. They are not people who were once alive, and they were here before mankind ever came on the scene. Angels have many privileges, which includes giving messages to mankind. In fact, both the Greek words ag’ge-los and Hebrew mal-akh’ actually mean “messenger” or “spirit messenger” and occur in the Bible nearly 400 times. All angels were individually created specifically for the roles they do. There are guardian angels, healing angels, protection angels, homing angels (angels who help at death), and so many more. There is a hierarchy in place for clear organization for what needs to be done, and additional blessings and responsibilities for those who do it. Most do more than their share now to cover what used to be done by the angels that fell. All love God and desire his name to be sanctified and his will to be done and wish to participate in making that happen.

What angels look like has to do with what they were created to do. All Holy Angels have different colors inside their mid-region, constantly turning and shimmering like a beautiful gem in the sun. Each combination of colors seen is who they are, what they have accomplished and what responsibilities they have. Those Angels who have unplugged from Father do not have these colors within. Humans also have similar facets of love within our spirit that we continue to polish, since we are sparks off the Divine Flame and redeemed by Grace (we are not unplugged anymore. Angel’s wings are not actually feathers. They are likened more precisely to radiant beams of shimmering light. Angels are sexless; they don’t marry or procreate. But they are generally referred to in the scriptures as males, although in most paintings they are represented as females.

Holy Angels Don't Want Fame

Angels have names and personalities too. Only two Holy Angel names are given in the Bible, Michael and Gabriel; since angels were dispatched by God, in his name, not in their own. There are several references about people in the scriptures asking angels for their names or wanting to worship them; but they were strictly told, “Be careful! Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!” (Revelation 19:10) This is also why so many occult books are full of names, since the unHoly Angels are prideful and want to make a name for themselves and be known.

Angels communicate with each other with a language I have dubbed “AngelSpeak,” which is a perfect language they create as they go and is perfectly understood by the listener. It is a combination of five things: numbers, musical tones, colors, space and dimension. For example, if I said the word “picnic” you may think of a sunny day in July and fried chicken. But through AngelSpeak, the picnic is July 4th, 2004, at 11:00:24 A.M. PST, there were 7 pieces of crispy brown chicken, the sun was shining, etc. It is like an entire vision experience that is telepathically produced in the other’s mind. All spirit beings in the whole universe use this one language. Mankind was originally created to use it too, but because of the choices of our imperfect ancestors, we don’t. But we can see the rudiments around us – we identify most strongly when combinations of these things are presented to us. For example, the football team with their fight song, hometown, team colors, mascot, and shirt numbers; TV ads targeting you to remember them by a specific jingle, price, theme colors, etc.

All Angels Have Free Will Choice

Angels can travel at tremendous speed. There are millions of them just around our area of the galaxy. They are superhuman in power and have more intelligence than we do. But Angels are not all-knowing, and there are some things the angels don’t know or fully understand. For example, they have an active interest in seeing how God’s love continues to interact with humankind, including the timing of important events. “Even angels long to look into these things.” (1 Peter 1:12) Angels also rejoice at the repentance of a person turning away from bad choices, and they watch the “theatrical spectacle” that we produce as we go about our lives, making our own free will choices, for good or for evil. (1 Corinthians 4:9) This is truly Reality TV; can you imagine some of the possible titles? “The Political Comedy Hour – Red Light in the White House,” “The Hating Game – How Long will this Couple Stay Married?” and “Religion Today – Why Are Humans Playing God?”

They don’t get to turn the channel when there is too much violence. But they are allowed by God to divinely help when they are invited by people to participate, through humankind’s free will choice of prayer. This is how much God respects free will; he won’t force anything upon us even if it is good for us. That is why we must ask God to help us, even in small things. He wants to help us, and the Holy Angels do too - they yearn to help.

In fact, one of the most touching things about angels is that wherever the sun is going down around the earth, they sing a prayer for humankind, a blessing upon those who have chosen to stay one more day. They know how the unHoly Angels war against us, and the lack of clarity that most have about what is going on, and that we often forget and think we are separate and alone. They know it is difficult. They used to be taunted by the unHoly Angels too; then Michael the Archangel cast out “a third of the stars of heaven,” which is literally thousands upon thousands of angels, in what is called The Great War. Formerly, the fallen angels could come and go out of heaven, (Job. 2:1,2) but after this war they were not allowed to come back for any reason, and a great chasm was built to prevent one side hearing the other. Now, they are held in the vicinity of the earth (which includes the moon), for a short period of time. “Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” (Revelation. 12:12)

Tips on How to Physically See Angels

Most of the time Holy Angels stay invisible, but they are allowed to appear in different forms and even manifest a human body when needed. Remember what Einstein said? Matter is just slowed down energy. More often they look like a mist, bright light, tall bright man, shimmering heat waves or as vibrational qualities of energy, and you may not always clearly see the facets of love swirling within them, depending on the form they take. But most of the time you will not see anything with your eyes – you will just have a knowing sense that you are not alone.

Angels are difficult to see because their frequency is so very high. They really have to slow it down to allow us to see them. Spiritual beings (all kinds) can make a room feel very cold. When you sense these feelings, try to lift your own vibrational level up as far as you can, and go into prayer thereby bringing Holy Spirit further into play, and breathe very deeply. Now, cross your eyes slightly (as if you were looking at a “magic eye” puzzle of the 1980’s) and be open without fear, and ask to see a Holy Angel from God. The Holy Angel also has to choose to let you see him, and to slow down his energy to make it possible.

Remember that Holy Angels do not want glory for themselves, so will only appear if it is in the best interest for the job. Be prepared to see Angels in a much different way than Hollywood portrays! They can be so very huge – I’ve seen Angels almost 40 feet tall, standing head and shoulders over a house that had just been blessed. They can also be very, very small. To make sure they are Holy Angels and not UnHoly, simply ask the question: "Do you love Jesus now?" Because in the beginning they all did - but then the Unholy made a different choice. If they don't answer you, tell them forcefully to leave - and do it in the name of Jesus Christ. And it will be done.

The unHoly Angels: because of the misuse of free will there were Angels in Noah’s day that came down to earth and materialized male bodies for themselves. “The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose…the Nephilim were on the earth in those days, when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.” (Genesis 6:2-4) These Angels who had left their responsibilities were then called fallen Angels, evil spirits, unHoly Angels or demons. They were not allowed to come back into their original job positions, the responsibilities they were created for. They were now on the same side of the fence as the Angel called Satan, who was the first Angel that had previously rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden.

Angels Materializing Form

The human/angel hybrid offspring of these willful unHoly Angels were called “Nephilim.” They were a powerful race of giants with supernatural powers which they used without restraint, bent on manipulation and destruction of the human race. Even the mothers died traumatic deaths bearing them at about four months of gestation. They had no spirit, because they were not created by God – so the unHoly Angels needed to stay in close proximity to them for them to exist. One of the main reasons the flood occurred was to wipe out their hybrid physical bodies.

The memory of these superhuman giants were strong memories for the eight surviving members of Noah’s family in the ark, and the stories were passed down through generations, including how God saved them by a great flood. Many of the Greek mythologies of ancient times were based on partial memories of these real experiences. Since the flood, neither Satan nor any of the unHoly Angels are allowed to materialize in physical form ever again. But, they still try to appear as mist, brightness, etc, like a Holy Angel, and they try to manipulate behind the scenes. That is why they look for humans to inhabit to be their “eyes and hands.”

Lucifer himself had once been a Holy son of God, but because of misuse of free will, he chose to rebel, and thus made himself the devil, or Satan (meaning “slanderer,” “rebeller”). In the Garden of Eden he brought up three questions involving God’s right to rule. In God’s patience and grace, God has allowed these questions to be answered. Like a big court case, the evidence has been mounting in Love’s behalf for thousands of years. Now we are at the last second of time before the case is closed. Knowing this, the demons are causing as much destruction as possible. But if we call upon the Holy Angels they will protect and guide us. This can be as easy as a specific thought or personal prayer, or by citing prayers called the Divine Decrees, which were given by God through the Holy Stigmata to help us participate with the Holy Angels in this world shift.

Do Not Be Afraid, Call the Holy Angels In

Love Always Wins! That is God’s law – good always conquers evil, and love is the best choice and highest good for all. Even now in these last moments, God’s arms are open to any of the Angels who wish to come back to him, and they will be welcomed back joyfully by all their former brothers. It is one of the reasons why things have gone on so long, for God desires none to be cut off, and he lets the demons see that even in our imperfection, we often chose love over fear, and light over dark. In fact, many of our human testimonies have changed the minds of demons, and they have gone back to God. So, we humans need not ever fear; Angels not only exist but want to help us. We have a charge of them at our disposal, and we are on the winning team – just call the Holy Angels in. We can’t ask for any better than that! END 2009 (C) Tiffany Snow

About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |

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