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5 Tips to Live Sanely in a Changing, Insane World

Writer: Blessed Tiffany SnowBlessed Tiffany Snow

Updated: Jun 22, 2024

Another step forward in Biblical prophecy occurred in autumn 2023 when the world entered the second wave of Armageddon. No need to fear - it is a time of great world change but culminates in an earth governed by heavenly peace. But getting through this shift to that time of calm is a marathon, not a sprint, and requires endurance. It also requires belief - hope in something greater than yourself, that the run is worth it, and the finish line is attainable. It is also a stressful time for individuals and families, and the very earth itself. Here are 5 tips for staying sane while insanity briefly holds sway.

(1). Acknowledge that many things we can't see are very real and affects our physical world. Beyond the wind, electricity and radio waves, etc., our emotions are invisible yet motivate or inhibit physical reactions. Choose to show your emotions by reflecting empathy, forgiveness and love. Choose to meet every negative with positive, thereby neutralizing its ripple effect after it meets you. Choose to believe in God and Divine Love, in Angels, and in knowing that life exists beyond corporal existence. Choose to answer the spiritual questions you were created to ask. As you gather proof in the reality of these things, you will gain an indestructible bubble of inner calm that will shield you from anything that could ever come against you, physically, emotionally or spiritually. (Romans 8:31-39)

(2). Do your work and do it now. Don’t put things off. Don’t wait for things to happen, be interactive in all aspects of your life. You are living at this time for a reason. Pursue what Love has made you passionate about, and step forward even in the midst of trouble to accomplish it. Build your ark even in the rain. We each have different gifts we come in with, and during these waves we also have the opportunity to activate supernatural ones. Build your relationship stronger with God to let His Hands be your hands, to easily manifest miracles in your life and the lives of others. This includes prayers for resurrection, multiplying food, purifying air and water, physical and emotional healing, protection from natural disasters, guidance to safety and whatever else is needed. There is no limit to how God wants to share and interact with his children. Each of us has been given the Christ gift of an open door - but God doesn’t force you to unwrap the gift. You still need to make the free will choice to go through the door, climb onto Father’s lap and let his arms embrace you in a big bear hug. Its time have some peace and allow yourself to be Loved.

(3). Choose to be unique. Don’t give your power away to conform to today’s popular opinion. Search beyond mass media, cultural, religious, regional and national views to ask, “what would Love do” and continue steadfast in your good intentions, whether others appreciate this or not. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:1, 2). This takes bravery and conviction, and by planting these wholesome seeds in your garden you will reap greater confidence, emotional maturity and spiritual joy and connection. You are an individual, and each of us are polishing different facets of love in this life. Give yourself, and others, the time, forgiveness and encouragement to do so. (2 Timothy 1:7) Know that Divine Love has enemies, and that unHoly Angels and those manipulated by them want to destroy everything that God loves - the earth, the environment, and humanity. But that will NOT be allowed. Good is stronger than evil, God is in control, and Love wins!

(4). Be a place of peace in the midst. Share with others the reason for the hope within you, why you believe in the things unseen, and help them find strength in their own lives to reflect God to others. View the news and world events as a prayer list, and you as a nurse assistant to the Great Doctor. Be realistic- expect the miracle. Allow yourself to moved, but not overwhelmed. Know without a doubt that even those who die are not gone, only their body is, and that they continue on with all their memories and personalities in place, but without the pain and suffering. Have faith in the promises of God, that this trauma is only for a little while, and then God’s original purpose for humans and the earth as given in the garden of Eden will be fulfilled. God has chosen to share a lot more information about this world shift and how to work with Him and the Angels during this time. Please see the ongoing video series on Surviving Armageddon and the other articles written as well. “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:3-5)(Isaiah 55:8-13)

(5). Keep extras of basic needs to de-escalate stress. This is not about living fully off-grid or needing a warehouse of food to save ourselves; nothing we do on our own will be able to successfully do that during this shift. There are many more factors at play besides resources. However, we are all encouraged to put aside at least several months of supplies to help ease the burdens of ourselves, and others, during these waves. This is similar to what God asked Moses to tell his people during the Ten Plagues since many of those first disasters affected all people in the area, God’s people included. Also, when the Israelites were wandering 40 years in the wilderness, it was not the comparatively few resources they brought with them that kept them alive all that time, but the mana and miracles of God that sustained them. So it is during this time. As resource availability fluctuates, governments war, and supply channels change, knowing you have a small back up plan for the basics - food/water, warmth/shelter, will help you ride out inevitable short-term stress bumps along the way. (Exodus chapters 7-17)

In conclusion, the more of these tips you choose to add to your life, the more you will find yourself confident and calm in daily stresses and prepared for those yet to come. You will be nurturing with God a beautiful garden with a myriad of flowers that not even the worst torrential rain or windstorm can touch a single petal of. As this precious ailing world shifts through this insane time, why not inhale deeply the sweet fragrance Love offers to you right under your nose? And with your free will choice of love, maybe even give a precious flower to another. “A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity…”(Psalm chapter 37) END 2023 (C) Tiffany Snow

About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |

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