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Prayers for Deliverance and

 Breaking Generational Bondage are Included Here!


If it feels like you are moving one step forward and two steps back, or have attacks coming against your health, your family and relationships, and/or your finances, you may be under spiritual attack. We all have an unseen enemy. These prayers can help!

If we have holes in the shield of free will, we may have damage in many aspects of our lives physically, emotionally and spiritually. Many people believe in Angels, but do you know there are also unHoly Angels? These use the Free Will we were all created with to cause damage to all things that God loves, which includes human beings. If we have made any bad choices in our lives (we all do!) holes can occur in our protective shield. These holes leave ample opportunities for the unHoly Angels to attack, over and over again.. Please take some time to recognize any place of wounding upon yourself or any weak spots and with God’s help and your free will, you will make these places strong once again. Unless we recognize we have a wounding and take the steps for it to be healed, it's like having mud on our shoes and tracking it everywhere - it clings to us until we choose to clean it off. (Article: "Are You Being Attacked? Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones.")


There are different kinds of prayers for different things, many can be said by anyone, because we are all children of God! Remember who you are! When the prayers are said an invisible war takes place, and the unHoly Angels are battled and removed from you and your surroundings. 

These are the places where we can have holes:

  • Places of unforgiveness towards others, ourselves and situations.

  • Places of willful sin (knowing the difference between right and wrong and still choosing to do a wrong).

  • Places of choosing fear over love.

  • Places of addictions of any kind-trying to fill our God-spot with something apart from God.

  • Places of abuse of any manner that was done to us.

  • Places of unworthiness or thinking we are not good enough for God to love us or forgive us.

  • Places of faithlessness/hopelessness.

  • Places of high negative emotions such as extreme, prolonged grief with the death of a loved one.


Once those holes in the free will are closed they will remain so, unless they are opened back up again. We share this prayer here freely so that any of strong faith who are under attack may use this prayer that God may set the captives free - that's us getting our freedom back!


If you waver in faith, it is suggested that you have someone who is ordained and of strong faith say the prayer with you, standing in that place of faith and trust knowing God will assist those who call on him for help. So there are basically two reasons that a person would require someone who is ordained to do the prayer with them, #1 if they lack the faith to say the pray effectively or #2 the attacks by the unHoly Angels is greater than what the person can handle. This is why Fr. Billy Clark makes himself available to do these specialty prayers with us when we are not able to do them on our own. There is more information about Spiritual Warfare on his website and you can also email him here. Those ordained are recognized by the Holy Angels to have a special authority granted to them through God to cast out demons, and the unHoly Angels know it too.


Here is the Deliverance Prayer:

“Father, if there are unHoly Angels in, on, near or around me, I nail and hold them fast and silence them. I decommission, bind and encapsulate them through the Power of the Shed Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. I bring them up to your presence immediately Lord to deal with as you see fit. May you fill any empty spaces and lonely places within me with your love and your light. Thank you Father, In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


You can repeat this Deliverance Prayer as often as you feel the need. Daily, several times a day, whenever you feel any lack of clarity, or experience tension, anxiety or any negative thoughts come to mind. Remember this is not about fear, “Do not be afraid.” (Matthew 28:10). Deliverances can be done no matter the distance; God does not have limits as to time or space. The Big Guy is big on free will, so after the prayers are read only your free will agreement to receive this cleansing is needed. When you agree by saying “Amen” at the end of the prayers, you are aligning your desire to receive with God's desire to give and it is accomplished. 


Lastly, it is essential to remember to fill in the empty place or lonely space within after doing the Deliverance Work. We read about this in the Bible:


“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.” (Matthew 12:43-45)

This puts the responsibility back on our own shoulders to follow through on our spiritual walk with God, and to learn how to make the best choices for our life. This is our spiritual walk with God, and we are not walking this journey alone. He gives us the opportunity to see the bigger picture, including why things have occured and can guide us successfully about tomorrow and the next day. He wants us to be happy, feel his love, be protected and safe, and to keep the hope within us alive because a bright future DOES await us! This includes the original purpose for all of humanity on the planet earth, to be caretakers of the planet and live in harmony with the animals and each other as stated by God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis chapters 1-3).

Light and dark cannot be in the same place together. To survive, darkness has to either transform into light, or move away. One reason we are here is to polish the facets of love we are working on. So polish those facets! Some ways to do that includes a more active prayer life, fellowshipping with others at a loving Church/Mass/Temple, reading the Holy scriptures, taking Communion, and brightening the home.

You can brighten your home by Replacing the things that dim your brightness, and Adding others:

  • Replace: things that don’t make you feel good about yourself or negatively reminds you of others. 

  • Replace: items that are not of love - anything that are fear-based, highlights injury or negativity.

  • Replace: things from garage sales or antiques that may carry negative attachments and don’t "feel clean."

  • Add: Holy things, pictures, a Cross or Crucifix (especially helpful over the head of each bed and door way)

  • Add: Plants and items from the earth that bring a sense of beauty from nature outside, to inside.

  • Add: Drawings or crafts that children or loved ones have created. And also make them yourself!

  • Add: Play or listen to music that is uplifting to your heart and touches your spirit. 

  • Add: Quiet time in your day to actively talk to God and listen for a reply.

  • Add: make a simple altar in your home, a place where you place special things that remind you of the happiest times in your life, and your connection to God and others you love.

Here is the Prayer for Breaking Generational and Ancestral Bondage:

“Heavenly Father, we ask that any generational bondage here in this family line of all that is known (state known issues) and all that is unknown, be broken through the power of the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ and we ask for an infilling of your healing love and light here. Thank you Lord, In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

This Prayer for Breaking Generational Bondage can be used not only for physical issues but repeated negative patterns in the family lines such as emotional traumas, mental struggles and spiritual problems as well, it only has to be said once, and goes backwards and forwards throughout the direct blood lines (this prayer covers your children, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, etc. back from them... but not brothers or sisters or aunts or uncles. They would have to say the prayer for themselves).


God loves you and will aid you on your journey, and he will do the battle for you on your behalf and will assist you to brighten that you may hear him more clearly and be well led. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9) “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.”

Zec. 4:6


Here is more information about how the demons came to be and their agendas:

"Angels and Demons - The Bigger Story."

Here are few other articles that may encourage you:

"Being a Light in the Midst of Darkness."

"Free Will - The Bubble of Creation."

You can do this! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! God has faith in You!

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