Salut! Je suis bénie Tiffany Snow

"Travailleur pour The Big Guy"
Saintes stigmates, guérison miraculeuse
& Prophétie en cours
(1). Ordination accomplishes what God set out for us at the beginning; to directly come under the protection of God and to have the Holy Spirit as your direct companion to accomplish your mission of spiritual work. Ordination helps us to understand spiritual information better and become a better conduit for miracles. Ordination helps us work with Christ, the Holy Spirit and his Holy Angels in a more profound way to ease the suffering upon all of humanity as we go through this time of world shift.
(2). Ordination puts a larger protection in place that is needed for the greater work including miracles and the battles against the unHoly Angels and the harm they seek upon us, our loved ones and the earth. Attempting to do the greater work without being ordained places us in a more vulnerable position of attack.
(3). An additional anointing occurs in many different aspects of our lives when we use our free-will to choose this greater connection. This includes an expansion of the spiritual gifts we were created to have (and more gifts we can ask God for after Ordination!)
Why Ordination? 3 Reasons!
This is about sharing the beautiful gift of continuing the line of apostolic succession that Christ began, to greatly enhance your own walk with God for the greater work. Your Ordination does not change your religion. Continue to find fellowship wherever you have recognized Love. God existed before religion and is not separate from any of us, the door of salvation has been opened to all, beyond barriers. (1 John 4:7 CJB) If it's of love, it's of God, and it's for you!
Email Fr. Billy.

How Does it Start?
Your Ordination Brings a Support System with It!
With your choice to serve God and follow him even closer, you become part of all who have stepped up to do his greater work now, in the past, and in the future!
This also includes an invitation into our small grassroot group called The Called & Commissioned. This small private online group of ordained men and women from all walks of life who encourage one another in prayer and doing their God work, and chat together a couple of times a month. It is not a church.
Blessed Tiffany Snow also shares first with this group new articles and information as they become available.

Ordination starts with the "Becoming the Mystic" classes. These 9 classes will strengthen your discernment on how to better access your gifts and talents, and to recognize and remove any obstacles to fully utilizing them.
Step-by-step we will be building a strong foundation to lay a life-long framework of recognizing who we are in God's eyes, our purpose in life and the confidence to go forward and accomplish it.
Also, through ordination we will look at the additional gifts we came in with, and the ones we can ask for, and the fullness of what it means to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
What is the "Line of Apostolic Succession"
Our Ordination is through the Line of Apostolic Succession. This is the line of ordination that can be traced all the way back to Jesus Christ ordaining the 12 Apostles. It is the same protection that Christ gave to the Apostles which the Apostles then shared through the laying on of hands and God´s blessing through the Holy Spirit.
Not all churches have their origins off of a branch of this lineage - research to see if your church does or not. Fr. Billy has been ordained in the line of Apostolic Succession through the Old Holy Catholic Church and has the ability to ordain others as God leads.