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Why "The Power of Positive Thinking" Isn't Powerful Enough - How to Fix It

Updated: Jun 22

The power of positive thinking, using our "higher self," to focus on things as already accomplished, ourselves already healed, our lives already full of abundance. These are the things that we know can be true - there is a place inside of us that knows that we were made to have a happy life, to be healthy and prosper, and that anything less than that is not our true nature. So, when we take the time and effort to see ourselves as healthy and shift our thinking to attract the good things, why is it that the final result still doesn’t match our expectations? The answer is actually quite simple!

Stop Draining Your Own Power

We may experience short-term financial gain, a reprieve from an illness, a flash of inspirational light in the darkness. Yet when we are honest with ourselves, we see that even with our best intentions, things still aren’t working out as we’d hoped, and we might even be feeling drained, frustrated and depressed about it. Something is still off - there is a piece missing. I want to share with you what that missing piece is, and how it will change what happens in your life and your happiness every day.

This is Beyond Having a Beautiful Heart

Let’s take a common example of intention, the wonderful desire to heal someone. As a healer and stigmata-bearer, I would say about 20% of the people who come to see me from all over the world are healers themselves, all utilizing various modalities. They come perplexed by their exhaustion and undiagnosable diseases. They come wondering why they are having struggles and if it is part of their karma to experience suffering. They come wondering why they have been able to heal others but not themselves. They have beautiful hearts and have consistently used that compassion to connect with others and heal them. Yet they are experiencing illness, lack of abundance, and bouts of depression. They have the best of intentions, but their journey is not advancing well.

Tapping into Greater Power

There is nothing like personal experience to convince us of the need to change things. For me, a lightning bolt was the best way for me to remember who I am, my purpose, and my connection with The Big Guy. I was first awakened to real power beyond myself with a near-death experience (NDE) in 1999. Since then, there has been continual communication with God, including through the experience of the Holy Stigmata. I have learned God is "outside of the box" and am blessed to share answers from him that humanity is currently asking.

Since I had come from a traditionally religious background, one of my first questions was “What religion is the right one?” The answer: “All those who love me.” Another question; “Are the Holy Scriptures complete?” The answer: “All the Holy Books are incomplete, so that man may reach out to me, and I will greet him, and he will know me by name.” All this made sense to me more than anything before, and empirical experience made it something I couldn’t ignore. God was real. He was not about any one religion, and he wants us to connect directly with him. This was my beginning of understanding the "God-Spot," becoming a conduit for miracles, and knowing that all of us have the ability to manifest miracles beyond space and time. We were created that way! But we are only successful when we choose to go beyond our own energy (and our own limitations) and tap into Divine Energy - the very real power of God, beyond any restrictions we may have been taught or persuaded to believe.

Created as Co-Creators - But Safety Barriers are Up!

Here is the three-fold answer I was given about intention and manifesting. It was during one of my experiences of the Holy Stigmata, and I asked the question: “What is the role of the Guardian Angel?" And as always, the answer God gave covered more than I anticipated. "We were all created as co-creators; not just about having children, but all of us were created in God’s image with the ability to physically manifest our intentions into being. But, through the poor choices of original mankind and other factors, we now have a "ding" in the pan - at this time we are imperfect, disconnected and our intentions aren’t always the best. For example, we may be driving down the street and a flicker of thought may go through our mind that an opposing car would swerve and hit us. So, in that instant, that is exactly what would occur! But the Guardian Angel says, “No! That’s not a good one!” and stops it from happening. It may happen by another way, but it will not be from that flicker of unconscious intention that just went through our own mind. That's how fast perfect manifesting was meant to be, but in perfect unity with the power of God and with perfect thought and intention, to make our world a better place for all.

By grace, even now our good intentions are allowed to fly free – but they are buoyed by our own energy. This is why the more passion and excitement we have over something, the greater chance it has of being accomplished and coming to fruition. This is when we experience short-term financial gains, the reprieve from an illness, a flash of inspiration. This is also why we feel exhausted and drained, even when our compassion moves us to these great things, because they are limited by our own ability to create and sustain it through our own energy. However, we can take the next step and remember who we are, who God is, and the way we were meant to interact together, even in this period of time.

Prayer - Faith - Fearlessness

The missing piece is God. Go beyond your own energy and participate in the Divine Connection you were created for. Recognize him as embodying the love you know him to be, beyond any negative things you might have been taught. If you had the power to change things in the world for good, wouldn't you? Yes! Well, that is how God is too, and why you feel that way. Through participation with him you will be blessed with opportunities to do just that. Especially at this time of world shift there is a foretold outpouring of Divine gifts. If you are moved with compassion by the struggles you see around you, with God you have the ability to manifest miracles, quite literally letting His Hands be yours without ANY limits.

For this unity to occur, there has to be a separate free will intention to allow this participation. God is big on free will - it is a powerful and respected thing we were created with. There has to be an active desire, a place of connection and a joint participation of purpose with God if you want his guidance - before making a decision or healing, etc. This is where we go beyond ourselves in the vulnerability and strength of Divine Love and prayer. This is where everything happens, through the power of Divine Connection. It is where true miracles live, and true happiness. It can even cross time, going forward and backwards in time. With God, all things are possible. Check it out for yourself!

Compassion - No Ego - Spiritual Knowledge - Ordination

This joint relationship is where the miracles occur. This is where any healing modality becomes “the best one;” where we recognize and sustain a loving relationship; where hope and faith sustains us even in the midst of outside turmoil. It is a place of connection beyond ourselves, and even though the results are for our highest good, it cannot be done without our participation of free will. It is also not a place of simply “thy will be done.” It goes beyond that too – it is a place of active positive intention with all the specific details you envision it with. When you are specific in prayer, you receive one of three answers back from God in return. (1). "Yes." (2). "Not yet." (3). "I’ve got a better idea than that!" But without a doubt, you will be answered, and in a way that you will recognize, because you have remembered to be detailed and specific in your prayers.

Shifting from an Ordinary life to an Extraordinary One

Two things occur when you do this: (1). You will know without a doubt that a Loving Divine Energy exists beyond your own energy and cares about you. (2). You will recognize the Angelic interventions that manifest in front of you, and grab onto them without fear, and also let any doors close behind you without fear as well. It is then you will begin to empirically experience the joy you always knew existed but couldn’t sustain for long! You will be living your life between the candle and the flame – in the fullness of love, joy, hope and health, and you will be doing it energetically. And you will empirically experience the final results matching your greatest expectations and intentions; co-creating with God himself in Divine Love. END

About the Author: About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |

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